University of Sussex

Contract Value:

The University of Sussex is situated on a large greenfield site on the South Downs near Brighton and Hove. The campus, designed by Sir Basil Spence, is lauded in the architectural community with many award-winning campus buildings.

The buildings which made up the core of Spence’s designs were given listed status, with Falmer House being one of only two buildings to be given a Grade I status of “exceptional interest”.

Fulkers Bailey Russell has been assisting the Estates and Facilities team, working at the university and latterly with Sussex Estates and Facilities since 2004. The different types of projects and approximate values are below:

  • £5m masterplan enabling works and infrastructure upgrade
  • £2m annual academic and residential long-term maintenance and compliance refurbishments
  • £1m annual minor (summer) works refurbishments and fit-outs
  • £1m annual general teaching space and lecture theatre refurbishments
  • £1.5m data centre and office refurbishment
  • £3m district heating system infrastructure diversion
  • £500k general teaching space refurbishments
  • £100k Silverstone ventilation upgrade
  • £150k reprographics internal refurbishment
  • £110k Quantum Technology Hub
  • £275k campus toilets
  • £4m boiler replacement which serves whole campus
  • £700k landscaping modifications to campus

University of Sussex

Under previous employment:

  • £12m Swanborough new build residence
  • £11m Fulton new build teaching building
  • £6m library refurbishment
  • £5.5m district heating and combined heating power M&E installation
  • £11m catering outlets refurbishments
  • £750k meeting house refurbishment
  • £2m new-build child centre

University of Sussex